Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Human Rights and International Cooperation Development

HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT SYLLABUS Professor: Lucà ­a Ferreiro Prado. Phd on International Relations Email: lucia.ferreiro@uem.es Course Description Human Rights and International Cooperation Development is a basic survey that will introduce you to a wide array of areas in the field of cooperation for development and, to a lesser extent, Human Rights. The first part of the course is comprised of three sections devoted to International Cooperation for Development and will comprise most of this subject. The second section of the course will be centered on Human Rights. Although it also has three sections, they will be a minor part of the course. Even though this course is taught in English, students should†¦show more content†¦Topic 5: Main regulation on human rights 5.1 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 5.2 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Topic 6: International Human Rights Organizations and States in charge of enforcing human rights regulations. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) The book used in class is International Cooperation and Development is: HASLAM, Paul, SCHAFER, Monica and BEAUDET, Pierre (2012): Introduction to International Development: Actors, Issues and Approaches, Oxford: Oxford University Press. The book can be bought through Amazon orShow MoreRelatedHuman Rights and International Cooperation Development1520 Words   |  7 PagesHUMAN RIGHTS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT SYLLABUS Professor: Lucà ­a Ferreiro Prado. 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