Monday, December 30, 2019

Why Does Poverty Still Exist Among Black Americans Essay

Why does poverty still exist among Black Americans? 2016 FA.Soc.220.02 Social Problems Kesha Hicks â€Å"The United States has the highest poverty rate of any advance industrial nation† (Elizabetha, 2013). For many years, black people have considered to be the poorest race in the United states. There have been many government programs put in place to help poverty among black Americans. Such as welfare, unemployment, and Medicaid just to name a few. The question is, with so many government programs, why does poverty still exist among Black Americans? Speaking from first hand experience what it is like to experience being poor and on government programs. Most of the upper class of society feels that black Americans take advantage of government programs and are lazy. Their children drop out of school and commit crimes. That often wonder why black people are still poor or remain I their situations for long periods of times. The upper class feel that welfare was solution to solving the poverty issue. When in all reality it created a bigger issue. This problem is important to talk about because, the poverty rate is steading going in the United States among Black Americans. Society is affected by this in many ways. I choose this topic because, I grew up in a poor black family in America. Therefore, I can speak from first-hand experience what it’s like to be poor and black in America. Most of society often wonder why black people are still poor or remain on government programs forShow MoreRelatedEssay on Racism in America Today13 16 Words   |  6 Pagesdirected at blacks in the United States is more like a bacillus that we have failed to destroy, a live germ that not only continues to make some of us ill but retains the capacity to generate new strains of a disease for which we have no certain cure. - Stanford Historian George Frederickson. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

What Makes Your Crock Pot Your Best Friend - 1702 Words

Are you tired of the same old routine everyday? Most of us work at least an eight hour shifts every single day, but our day is not over after work. We must rush home and start cooking dinner for our families, and maybe in a few hours we will have some time to ourselves. Have you ever thought about saving yourself some time, by cooking with your crock pot everyday. Most of us own a crock pot, but we never think to use it. Do you know that you can bake as well as cook everything else in your crock pot? Today you will learn how to make your crock pot your best friend. This will allow you to spend more time with your family and friends. What s great about using your slow cooker, is that your meals can be cooking while you re at work. Most of the meals that you cook in your crock pot will have very little prep work, if so you can do it the night before. Every morning before you leave for work, you can start dinner in the crock pot and once you return home, dinner is ready and waiting to be served. All you will need to do is set the table and tell everyone that dinner is ready. If you don t own a crock pot, go out and get one right away, you will be amazed with all the free time that you will have. Even if you are a homemaker cooking with your crock pot will free up some of your day. This will allow you to get other things done, that you may not have had time to do. Crock Pots can be purchased just about anywhere and can be found most of the time for under fourty dollars.Show MoreRelatedDry Goods Essay1391 Words   |  6 Pages(pantry stock) Pepper (pantry stock) Cumin (pantry stock) Garlic powder (pantry stock) Chili powder (pantry stock) Onion powder (pantry stock) Oregano (pantry stock) Paprika (pantry stock) Flour (I use arrowroot, but it is expensive to buy, so use what you have on hand) White rice Whole wheat soft tortillas 1 loaf whole wheat bread 1 packet chili seasoning Frozen 1 bag frozen corn (cheapest) Dairy Sour cream (cheapest/smallest) Mexican shredded cheese (store brand) 1 dozen eggs (whatever size isRead MoreCan You Use Olive Or Margarine With Olive Oil?1760 Words   |  8 PagesMost of the questions that friends have asked me over the years when it comes to cooking and baking have one thing in common: how to combine taste with health. I am going to attempt to answer 5 of those questions with some healthy and tasty tips! 1. Can you use olive oil in cookies and cakes and will they taste good? The answer to those questions is yes and yes! You can replace butter or margarine with olive oil. The secret is to beat the olive oil with an electric mixer until it turns white.Read MoreCooking Contest And The Winning Recipes1930 Words   |  8 PagesPillsbury Cook Off or Sutter Home s Build a Better Burger receive a lot of publicity and are hard for any contester to miss. Where Cooking Contest Central fills in is for the obscure little known contest like; Beatle Sir Paul McCarthy s search for the best meatless dish in the U.K. or the Milwaukee Brewers Bas eball Teams quest for new stadium fare. Still even with major contest one might have a question about the rules or a question about a past year s contest. Cooking Contest Central offers a forumRead MoreThe Ultimate Crossfit Training Program10851 Words   |  44 Pagesin rendering medical advice. If medical advice or assistance is needed, consult with a doctor. This book is considered a guide and should not be used in any way detrimental to your health. Consult with a physician before starting make sure it’s right for you. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To my family and friends. Without your help and understanding this would not have been possible. The Ultimate Crossfit Training Program: Increase Muscle Mass Naturally In 30 Days or Less without Anabolic SteroidsRead MorePolitical Science Essay18429 Words   |  74 Pageslearning center that lacks a formal laboratory. 5  © Hands-On Labs, Inc. Introduction To the Student change and interact with each other makes it easier to understand ourselves and our physical lives and our planet. Science credits are impressive on an academic transcript and your science What are Micro-Scale Experiments? 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What is the range of equilibrium prices? 1.2 (3) Suppose that there areRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 Pagesthe publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives orwritten sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional

Saturday, December 14, 2019

An Overview of Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc Free Essays

Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc. (www.freedomgreetings. We will write a custom essay sample on An Overview of Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc or any similar topic only for you Order Now com) is a greeting card company that recently decided to create a website that would provide wholesale and retail customers with online services (Aspin, 2005). In the past, the company relied entirely on fax and phone orders. It grew into a multi-billion dollar business without even having a web site. However, as customer began demanding faster service and the industry expanded, Freedom†s leaders realized that they would be eliminated by the competition if they failed to give the customers what they wanted (Aspin, 2005). The Internet seemed to be the offered a viable solution to keep in contact with a large customer base. Jay Levitt, president of Freedom Greeting, aimed to create a solution that would be easy to use and effectively boost productivity, while saving money on traditional methods of reacting to increases in demand such as staff and infrastructure expansion. Levitt looked into the possibility of extending his existing business applications. Since 1999, the company was a customer of Aspin Management Systems, a software house based in the United Kingdom (Aspin, 2005). Freedom had invested in AMSolveâ„ ¢, an accounting and back office system which the company produces. The system handles many area of Freedom†s operation, including account ledgers, stock control, order processing and fulfillment. Levitt decided to extend the company†s services to the Internet. The company found a solution that would give trade customers an easy to use method of quickly ordering products, without the need for customers to invest in expensive applications to interface with the company†s server (Aspin, 2005). This solution is a website that provides a catalogue of over five thousand products that can be ordered by industry customers. Customers login and browse the products, adding items or requesting stock through the Grid Ordering process. According to Aspin Intercative (2005): â€Å"The customer or agent specifies the grids and pocket to re-order and the system displays the available stock for pockets as specified in AMSolve. The user then reviews the order, makes any adjustment to quantity and clicks a button to place the order. There is no need to enter any payment details and the order is encrypted and sent directly to Freedom†s AMSolve server for processing. Once the order is placed notification is sent via email, however, an agent representing a client or the customer themselves can log into the website at any time and place, and check that the order is in the system and once shipped, they can check its delivery status.† How to cite An Overview of Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lyric Poetry and Harmony Throughout Petrarch Essay Example For Students

Lyric Poetry and Harmony Throughout Petrarch Essay Patriarchs Quest for Harmony Throughout Patriarchs Consonance he expresses his search for harmony in a variety of ways, but especially when articulating his love for Laura and, at the final poems, his desire for forgiveness from God. Patriarch struggles with his Internal conflict throughout The Rime Sparse and often contradicts himself from one poem to the next. The Consonance shows Patriarchs evolution in his quest for inner peace and satisfaction. When writing about Laura, Patriarch either praises her or curses her for putting IM through such emotional distress. In Patriarchs 29th and 20th sonnets the contrast towards his feelings for Laura are quite obvious. In sonnet 229 Patriarch is bitter towards Laura for putting him through heartbreak; however, in sonnet 230 he Is at peace with loving Laura. Patriarch bluntly displays this contrast by opening sonnet 239 with I sang, now I weep And then with the opposite l wept, now I sing In sonnet 230 (Robert 384-386). Patriarchs uncertainty reflects his need for harmony, or balance with his love of Laura. Patriarch wants to feel content in loving err, but yet he knows that he never will because Laura Is dead and she therefore will never be able to return his love. Patriarch wants to be at peace with her death and wants certainty that they will meet again in heaven. After grieving his loss of Laura his entire life, finally in sonnet 361 Patriarch realizes how much of his life he devoted to Laura and how she Deprived all others of fame Patriarch grasps that he was so engulfed In his devotion towards her that he exiled all others from his heart. He states that he should have spent the 31 years that he loved Laura seeking peace and fleeing troubles instead. Patriarch finally realizes that he erred in the way he lived his life and he now seeks forgiveness from God. Patriarch finally wants to be In harmony with himself, God and his fate. Patriarch now depicts Laura as Medusa, who has caused him to beco me a stone dripping vain moisture. Patriarch uses this comparison to exhibit how Laura froze Patriarchs life in almost every aspect; she caused him to become apathetic towards everything except his sorrow for her. Although he was exempt from almost all other emotions, It was still easy for him to weep and mourn her. Patriarch prays for forgiveness due to his obsession of Laura and how she completely consumed him so that he could see nothing else but her for so long. Patriarch specifically asks mercy from the Virgin Mary In hopes that she will understand because they have the same mortal origin and he believes that she will be able to see his humble heart. In the last few poems Patriarch is begging for absolution so that he can enter the gates of heaven and in return find harmony at last (Robert 570-583). Throughout the Consonance the reader can conclude that Patriarch Is Indeed trying to find harmony, although he at first does not know what that Is. Patriarch struggles to find his definition of harmony and, like many of us, first finds it in a pseudo love.