Monday, December 30, 2019

Why Does Poverty Still Exist Among Black Americans Essay

Why does poverty still exist among Black Americans? 2016 FA.Soc.220.02 Social Problems Kesha Hicks â€Å"The United States has the highest poverty rate of any advance industrial nation† (Elizabetha, 2013). For many years, black people have considered to be the poorest race in the United states. There have been many government programs put in place to help poverty among black Americans. Such as welfare, unemployment, and Medicaid just to name a few. The question is, with so many government programs, why does poverty still exist among Black Americans? Speaking from first hand experience what it is like to experience being poor and on government programs. Most of the upper class of society feels that black Americans take advantage of government programs and are lazy. Their children drop out of school and commit crimes. That often wonder why black people are still poor or remain I their situations for long periods of times. The upper class feel that welfare was solution to solving the poverty issue. When in all reality it created a bigger issue. This problem is important to talk about because, the poverty rate is steading going in the United States among Black Americans. Society is affected by this in many ways. I choose this topic because, I grew up in a poor black family in America. Therefore, I can speak from first-hand experience what it’s like to be poor and black in America. Most of society often wonder why black people are still poor or remain on government programs forShow MoreRelatedEssay on Racism in America Today13 16 Words   |  6 Pagesdirected at blacks in the United States is more like a bacillus that we have failed to destroy, a live germ that not only continues to make some of us ill but retains the capacity to generate new strains of a disease for which we have no certain cure. - Stanford Historian George Frederickson. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

What Makes Your Crock Pot Your Best Friend - 1702 Words

Are you tired of the same old routine everyday? Most of us work at least an eight hour shifts every single day, but our day is not over after work. We must rush home and start cooking dinner for our families, and maybe in a few hours we will have some time to ourselves. Have you ever thought about saving yourself some time, by cooking with your crock pot everyday. Most of us own a crock pot, but we never think to use it. Do you know that you can bake as well as cook everything else in your crock pot? Today you will learn how to make your crock pot your best friend. This will allow you to spend more time with your family and friends. What s great about using your slow cooker, is that your meals can be cooking while you re at work. Most of the meals that you cook in your crock pot will have very little prep work, if so you can do it the night before. Every morning before you leave for work, you can start dinner in the crock pot and once you return home, dinner is ready and waiting to be served. All you will need to do is set the table and tell everyone that dinner is ready. If you don t own a crock pot, go out and get one right away, you will be amazed with all the free time that you will have. Even if you are a homemaker cooking with your crock pot will free up some of your day. This will allow you to get other things done, that you may not have had time to do. Crock Pots can be purchased just about anywhere and can be found most of the time for under fourty dollars.Show MoreRelatedDry Goods Essay1391 Words   |  6 Pages(pantry stock) Pepper (pantry stock) Cumin (pantry stock) Garlic powder (pantry stock) Chili powder (pantry stock) Onion powder (pantry stock) Oregano (pantry stock) Paprika (pantry stock) Flour (I use arrowroot, but it is expensive to buy, so use what you have on hand) White rice Whole wheat soft tortillas 1 loaf whole wheat bread 1 packet chili seasoning Frozen 1 bag frozen corn (cheapest) Dairy Sour cream (cheapest/smallest) Mexican shredded cheese (store brand) 1 dozen eggs (whatever size isRead MoreCan You Use Olive Or Margarine With Olive Oil?1760 Words   |  8 PagesMost of the questions that friends have asked me over the years when it comes to cooking and baking have one thing in common: how to combine taste with health. I am going to attempt to answer 5 of those questions with some healthy and tasty tips! 1. Can you use olive oil in cookies and cakes and will they taste good? The answer to those questions is yes and yes! You can replace butter or margarine with olive oil. The secret is to beat the olive oil with an electric mixer until it turns white.Read MoreCooking Contest And The Winning Recipes1930 Words   |  8 PagesPillsbury Cook Off or Sutter Home s Build a Better Burger receive a lot of publicity and are hard for any contester to miss. Where Cooking Contest Central fills in is for the obscure little known contest like; Beatle Sir Paul McCarthy s search for the best meatless dish in the U.K. or the Milwaukee Brewers Bas eball Teams quest for new stadium fare. Still even with major contest one might have a question about the rules or a question about a past year s contest. Cooking Contest Central offers a forumRead MoreThe Ultimate Crossfit Training Program10851 Words   |  44 Pagesin rendering medical advice. If medical advice or assistance is needed, consult with a doctor. This book is considered a guide and should not be used in any way detrimental to your health. Consult with a physician before starting make sure it’s right for you. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To my family and friends. Without your help and understanding this would not have been possible. The Ultimate Crossfit Training Program: Increase Muscle Mass Naturally In 30 Days or Less without Anabolic SteroidsRead MorePolitical Science Essay18429 Words   |  74 Pageslearning center that lacks a formal laboratory. 5  © Hands-On Labs, Inc. Introduction To the Student change and interact with each other makes it easier to understand ourselves and our physical lives and our planet. Science credits are impressive on an academic transcript and your science What are Micro-Scale Experiments? You may be among the growing number of students to take a full-credit, laboratory science course of LabPaqs: academically aligned, small-scaleRead MoreVarian Solution153645 Words   |  615 Pagescase there is a whole range of prices that will be equilibrium prices. What is the highest price that would make the demand for apartments equal to 5 units? $18. $15. A, B, C, D. $10 to $15. (c) What is the lowest price that would make the market demand equal to 5 units? (d) With a supply of 4 apartments, which of the people A–H end up getting apartments? (e) What if the supply of apartments increases to 6 units. What is the range of equilibrium prices? 1.2 (3) Suppose that there areRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 Pagesthe publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives orwritten sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional

Saturday, December 14, 2019

An Overview of Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc Free Essays

Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc. (www.freedomgreetings. We will write a custom essay sample on An Overview of Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc or any similar topic only for you Order Now com) is a greeting card company that recently decided to create a website that would provide wholesale and retail customers with online services (Aspin, 2005). In the past, the company relied entirely on fax and phone orders. It grew into a multi-billion dollar business without even having a web site. However, as customer began demanding faster service and the industry expanded, Freedom†s leaders realized that they would be eliminated by the competition if they failed to give the customers what they wanted (Aspin, 2005). The Internet seemed to be the offered a viable solution to keep in contact with a large customer base. Jay Levitt, president of Freedom Greeting, aimed to create a solution that would be easy to use and effectively boost productivity, while saving money on traditional methods of reacting to increases in demand such as staff and infrastructure expansion. Levitt looked into the possibility of extending his existing business applications. Since 1999, the company was a customer of Aspin Management Systems, a software house based in the United Kingdom (Aspin, 2005). Freedom had invested in AMSolveâ„ ¢, an accounting and back office system which the company produces. The system handles many area of Freedom†s operation, including account ledgers, stock control, order processing and fulfillment. Levitt decided to extend the company†s services to the Internet. The company found a solution that would give trade customers an easy to use method of quickly ordering products, without the need for customers to invest in expensive applications to interface with the company†s server (Aspin, 2005). This solution is a website that provides a catalogue of over five thousand products that can be ordered by industry customers. Customers login and browse the products, adding items or requesting stock through the Grid Ordering process. According to Aspin Intercative (2005): â€Å"The customer or agent specifies the grids and pocket to re-order and the system displays the available stock for pockets as specified in AMSolve. The user then reviews the order, makes any adjustment to quantity and clicks a button to place the order. There is no need to enter any payment details and the order is encrypted and sent directly to Freedom†s AMSolve server for processing. Once the order is placed notification is sent via email, however, an agent representing a client or the customer themselves can log into the website at any time and place, and check that the order is in the system and once shipped, they can check its delivery status.† How to cite An Overview of Freedom Greeting Card Company Inc, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lyric Poetry and Harmony Throughout Petrarch Essay Example For Students

Lyric Poetry and Harmony Throughout Petrarch Essay Patriarchs Quest for Harmony Throughout Patriarchs Consonance he expresses his search for harmony in a variety of ways, but especially when articulating his love for Laura and, at the final poems, his desire for forgiveness from God. Patriarch struggles with his Internal conflict throughout The Rime Sparse and often contradicts himself from one poem to the next. The Consonance shows Patriarchs evolution in his quest for inner peace and satisfaction. When writing about Laura, Patriarch either praises her or curses her for putting IM through such emotional distress. In Patriarchs 29th and 20th sonnets the contrast towards his feelings for Laura are quite obvious. In sonnet 229 Patriarch is bitter towards Laura for putting him through heartbreak; however, in sonnet 230 he Is at peace with loving Laura. Patriarch bluntly displays this contrast by opening sonnet 239 with I sang, now I weep And then with the opposite l wept, now I sing In sonnet 230 (Robert 384-386). Patriarchs uncertainty reflects his need for harmony, or balance with his love of Laura. Patriarch wants to feel content in loving err, but yet he knows that he never will because Laura Is dead and she therefore will never be able to return his love. Patriarch wants to be at peace with her death and wants certainty that they will meet again in heaven. After grieving his loss of Laura his entire life, finally in sonnet 361 Patriarch realizes how much of his life he devoted to Laura and how she Deprived all others of fame Patriarch grasps that he was so engulfed In his devotion towards her that he exiled all others from his heart. He states that he should have spent the 31 years that he loved Laura seeking peace and fleeing troubles instead. Patriarch finally realizes that he erred in the way he lived his life and he now seeks forgiveness from God. Patriarch finally wants to be In harmony with himself, God and his fate. Patriarch now depicts Laura as Medusa, who has caused him to beco me a stone dripping vain moisture. Patriarch uses this comparison to exhibit how Laura froze Patriarchs life in almost every aspect; she caused him to become apathetic towards everything except his sorrow for her. Although he was exempt from almost all other emotions, It was still easy for him to weep and mourn her. Patriarch prays for forgiveness due to his obsession of Laura and how she completely consumed him so that he could see nothing else but her for so long. Patriarch specifically asks mercy from the Virgin Mary In hopes that she will understand because they have the same mortal origin and he believes that she will be able to see his humble heart. In the last few poems Patriarch is begging for absolution so that he can enter the gates of heaven and in return find harmony at last (Robert 570-583). Throughout the Consonance the reader can conclude that Patriarch Is Indeed trying to find harmony, although he at first does not know what that Is. Patriarch struggles to find his definition of harmony and, like many of us, first finds it in a pseudo love.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Brief History of the Age of Exploration

A Brief History of the Age of Exploration The era known as the Age of Exploration, sometimes called the Age of Discovery, officially began in the early 15th century and lasted through the 17th century. The period is characterized as a time when Europeans began exploring the world by sea in search of new trading routes,  wealth, and knowledge. The impact of the Age of Exploration would permanently alter the world and transform geography into the modern science it is today. Impact of the Age of Exploration Explorers learned more about areas such as Africa and the Americas and brought that knowledge back to Europe.Massive wealth accrued to European colonizers due to trade in goods, spices, and precious metals.Methods of navigation and mapping improved, switching from traditional portolan charts to the worlds first nautical maps.New food, plants, and animals were exchanged between the colonies and Europe.Indigenous people were decimated by Europeans, from a combined impact of disease, overwork, and massacres.The work force needed to support the massive plantations in the New World, led to a 300 year slave trade that had an enormous impact on Africa.The impact persists to this day, with many of the worlds former colonies still considered the developing world, while colonizers are the First World countries, holding a majority of the worlds wealth and annual income. The Birth of the Age of Exploration Many nations were looking for goods such as silver and gold, but one of the biggest reasons for exploration was the desire to find a new route for the spice and silk trades. The capture and sacking of Constantinople by Turkish troops under Mohammed II, 29th May 1453. The Turkish victory marked the end of the Byzantine Empire and the rise of the Ottomans. Hulton Archive/Getty Images  Ã‚   When the Ottoman Empire took control of Constantinople in 1453, it blocked European access to the area, severely limiting trade. In addition, it also blocked access to North Africa and the Red Sea, two very important trade routes to the Far East. The first of the journeys associated with the Age of Discovery were conducted by the Portuguese. Although the Portuguese, Spanish, Italians, and others had been plying the Mediterranean for generations, most sailors kept well within sight of land or traveled known routes between ports.  Prince Henry the Navigator  changed that, encouraging explorers to sail beyond the mapped routes and discover new trade routes to West Africa. Portuguese explorers discovered the Madeira Islands in 1419 and the Azores in 1427. Over the coming decades, they would push farther south along the African coast, reaching the coast of present-day Senegal by the 1440s and the Cape of Good Hope by 1490. Less than a decade later, in 1498, Vasco da Gama would follow this route all the way to India. The Discovery of the New World Illustration titled Embarkation and Departure of Columbus from the Port of Palos, On His First Voyage of Discovery, On The 3rd of August, 1492. Ricardo Balaca/Bettmann/Getty Images While the Portuguese were opening new sea routes along Africa, the Spanish also dreamed of finding new trade routes to the Far East. Christopher Columbus, an Italian working for the Spanish monarchy, made his first journey in 1492. Instead of reaching India, Columbus found the island of San Salvador in what is known today as the Bahamas. He also explored the island of Hispaniola, home of modern-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Columbus would lead three more voyages to the Caribbean, exploring parts of Cuba and the Central American coast. The Portuguese also reached the New World when explorer Pedro Alvares Cabral explored Brazil, setting off a conflict between Spain and Portugal over the newly claimed lands. As a result, the  Treaty of Tordesillas  officially divided the world in half in 1494. Columbus journeys opened the door for the Spanish conquest of the Americas. During the next century, men such as Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro would decimate the Aztecs of Mexico, the Incas of Peru, and other indigenous peoples of the Americas. By the end of the Age of Exploration, Spain would rule from the Southwestern United States to the southernmost reaches of Chile and Argentina. Opening the Americas Great Britain and France also began seeking new trade routes and lands across the ocean. In 1497, John Cabot, an Italian explorer working for the English, reached what is believed to be the coast of Newfoundland. A number of French and English explorers followed, including Giovanni da Verrazano, who discovered the entrance to the Hudson River in 1524, and Henry Hudson, who mapped the island of Manhattan first in 1609. Henry Hudson, his boat being greeted by Native Americans at the lakeshore. Bettmann/Getty Images   Over the next decades, the French, Dutch, and British would all vie for dominance. England established the first permanent colony in North America at Jamestown, Va., in 1607. Samuel du Champlain founded Quebec City in 1608, and Holland established a trading outpost in present-day New York City in 1624. Other important voyages of exploration during this era included Ferdinand Magellans attempted circumnavigation of the globe, the search for a trade route to Asia through the Northwest Passage, and Captain James Cooks voyages that allowed him to map various areas and travel as far as Alaska. The End of the Era The Age of Exploration ended in the early 17th century after technological advancements and increased knowledge of the world allowed Europeans to travel easily across the globe by sea. The creation of permanent settlements and colonies created a network of communication and trade, therefore ending the need to search for new routes. It is important to note that exploration did not cease entirely at this time. Eastern Australia was not officially claimed for Britain by Capt. James Cook until 1770, while much of the Arctic and Antarctic were not explored until the 19th century. Much of Africa also was unexplored by Westerners until the early 20th centuries. Contributions to Science The Age of Exploration had a significant impact on geography. By traveling to different regions around the globe, explorers were able to learn more about areas such as Africa and the Americas and bring that knowledge back to Europe. Methods of navigation and mapping improved as a result of the travels of people such as Prince Henry the Navigator. Prior to his expeditions, navigators had used traditional portolan charts, which were based on coastlines and ports of call, keeping sailors close to shore. The Spanish and Portuguese explorers who journeyed into the unknown created the worlds first nautical maps, delineating not just the geography of the lands they found but also the seaward routes and ocean currents that led them there. As technology advanced and known territory expanded, maps and mapmaking became more and more sophisticated. These explorations also introduced a whole new world of flora and fauna to Europeans. Corn, now a staple of much of the worlds diet, was unknown to Westerners until the time of the Spanish conquest, as were sweet potatoes and peanuts. Likewise, Europeans had never seen turkeys, llamas, or squirrels before setting foot in the Americas. The Age of Exploration served as a stepping stone for geographic knowledge. It allowed more people to see and study various areas around the world, which increased geographic study, giving us the basis for much of the knowledge we have today. Long-Term Impact The effects of colonization still persist as well, with many of the worlds former colonies still considered the developing world and the colonizers the First World countries, holding a majority of the worlds wealth and receiving a majority of its annual income.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Asian American Studies essays

Asian American Studies essays Although there have been a number of readers published in the growing field of Asian American Studies, none approach the subject matter with more clarity, depth and understanding than Zhou and Gatewood's Contemporary Asian America: A Multidisciplinary Reader. As one who is taking Asian American Studies courses I appreciate Contemporary Asian America for its commitment to providing historical readings on the birth and development of Asian American Studies, as well as articles on Asian American community formation, new immigrant and refugee populations, Asian American visual culture, multiethnic Asian Americans, and queer Asian America, among many other topics. I found the evidence to the claims that Asian Americans there. Compared with other regions of the world, U.S. race relations are still largely characterized in Black and White terms, and that's the way it should be to a large extent because of the history of this country and the persistent struggles. At the same time, given the rapidly changing demographic nature of American society, race relations have to be framed in broader terms. And here, I don't mean it's going to be White and Latino or White and Asian or White and American Indian. Race relations are so complex today that we need to think about race relations between peoples of color. And how that, in turn, informs us about Black/White relations. For example, some of us, in analyzing what happened in Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdict, the so-called Los Angeles uprising, realized that the conflict, which was ostensibly an intense one between Blacks and Asians, was much more complicated than that. To be sure, the stores of some two thousand Korean shopkeepers were looted and burned. But it would be too simplistic to leave it at that and read this as something between Blacks and Asians in Los Angeles. One needs to ask, why were the Koreans there and how ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critically evaluate the extent to which the change process in Essay

Critically evaluate the extent to which the change process in organisations is influenced by the attitudes and beliefs of individual managers more than the dynamics within the group - Essay Example The success of ant change program determines the success of the management as change has become one of the major challenges facing human resource managers and employees in equal measures. Changes in an organization are known to affect the people in such organizations positively or negatively depending on the position of an individual in the leadership hierarchy2. Resistance to change has become part of any organization and this explains the multiple academic researchers conducted to evaluate the impacts of resistance on the success of an organization. For an organization to successfully change from its traditional approach to a new one based on market needs, a number of factors must be visible within the organization3. Their attitude and belief in the change being implemented impacts to a lager extent on the success on the plan as opposed to the dynamism of the organization and its structural willingness to adapt to new methods of conducting business. In this paper, the level by which the attitude and belief of managers and top leaders of an organization influence the change program will be evaluated relative to the impact of the dynamism of the organization to the same. Attitude is defined as the feeling and perception that an individual develops towards a particular event or process which affects their ability to adopt a given program or idea. The attitude of managers on change impact on the change program in a similar or in a greater manner on the change process in an organization and such an attitude is easily passed to the employees that these managers are tasked to supervise. Within the psychological discourse, attitude has been shown to influence the tendency of an individual to act, feel, reason and even respond to a particular stimuli in life4. Attitude thus affects the cognition of an individual towards changes in an

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sigmund freud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sigmund freud - Essay Example The theory carries with it some weighty assumptions. One is that, we as individuals, know components of psyche, we know about the brain and also the nervous system. The second assumption is that we know how we act unconsciously. Hence psychoanalysis studies the suppression of some of the basic instincts (Freud 1937). According to Freud this suppression is constant and ongoing. Psychoanalysis may speed up the rates at which clients get better. It is also vital to note that, the nature of psychoanalysis creates a power imbalance, between the physician and the client. The id can be termed to be the most valuable part of the psyche. It usually contains urges that are extremely primitive. It is comprised of all the basic biological urges. A good example of some of this urges are hunger, thirst and sex. This part of psyche usually seeks pressure blindly. It does not care about the consequences; its aim is to seek instant gratification. Ego is developed from the id. It seeks to satisfy the id; it does so in a precise practical manner. It decides whether or not satisfaction is appropriate, and if favourable with the outside world. Commonly the ego is called self since it has the capability to look after itself. The superego is the third portion of the psyche; it develops with maturity. It has the sole responsibility of deeming the person’s actions good or bad. For Freud, there is a constant conflict between demands of the instincts and the demands of the society (Freud 1937). This can be caused by some of the impulses that may be hidden or even denied for lengths of time. However, this demands, in one way or another, reasserts themselves. The inner conflict is usually unknown and hence, it appears in thoughts and deeds that appear to be irrational. Psychologists that use psychoanalysis often see their patient’s problems as rooted in the unconscious part of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Missoni Brand Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Missoni Brand Architecture - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that  Missoni has diversified as part of its brand extension, and ventured into other industries that are a continuation of the lifestyle that the company seeks to offer. In this case, it has ventured into the hotel industry and already established a number of high-end hotels in other locations being on the company’s overall plan. Currently, the company’s lines of operation include the signature Missoni line, which is the mother company with divestment into other famous Missoni lines. These lines include M Missoni, which is a less expensive line; Missoni Sports, which deals with sports apparel; Missoni perfumes; Missoni Home collection, which deals with furniture; and Hotel Missoni.This paper highlights that Missoni has taken a number of measures to ensure that it remains at a favourable position among its competitors. In the fashion industry, the key determinants of brand positioning are the pricing and the direction of the brand. In line with this, the direction of the brand is the target market that the company ventures in, with some companies focusing on conservative apparel while others focus on directional apparel. On the other hand, the pricing of the products that competitors in the industry offer determines the market offering cheap products for the lower class. For Missoni, the company primarily offers products that were conservative and luxurious in nature with these products being either in the fashion industry or in the hotel industry.  ... These products include the services offered in their hotels and the products popular in the fashion industry. As a luxury brand, Missoni competes with various brands for high-end markets in both the fashion and hotel industries (see Fig. 2). Figure 2: Brand Conceptual Map of Missoni Brand Positioning In order to position itself competitively in the luxurious fashion industry, Missoni has taken a number of measures to ensure that it remains at a favourable position among its competitors. In the fashion industry, the key determinants of brand positioning are the pricing and the direction of the brand (Manlow 156). In line with this, the direction of the brand is the target market that the company ventures in, with some companies focusing on conservative apparel while others focus on directional apparel (see Fig. 1). On the other hand, the pricing of the products that competitors in the industry offer determines the market offering cheap products for the lower class (Carroll). For Misso ni, the company primarily offers products that were conservative and luxurious in nature with these products being either in the fashion industry or in the hotel industry. However, to set itself apart, the company has carried out a number of measures that have ensured that the brand positioning was for unique and luxurious products in the competitive fashion industry. Brand Differentiation Missoni’s success has been a result of the differentiated products that it has continually offered to its clients. In this regard, brand differentiation focuses on creating products that cannot be easily counterfeited due to the unique nature of the products (Manlow 156). By creating a concept that is characteristic of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cancer Research Analysis: Strategic Planning

Cancer Research Analysis: Strategic Planning INTRODUCTION Cancer is one of the worlds deadly diseases which is having lot of effects. Cancer need lot research to decline the rate of death of patients due to cancer. This declination in the rate can be achieved by carrying out the research the funding for research can be achieved by charity, dedicated to saving lives through ground breaking research. Cancer Research UK is named as cancer research and awareness charity in the United Kingdom , came in existence on February 2002 by the merger of The Cancer Research Campaign and Imperial Cancer Research Fund. These organisations are making huge publicity in the society to get awareness in the people about this disease. These make awareness about the symptoms and treatment .All the funding from the charity is used for research in directly and indirectly .Together with partners; they have had a significant impact which has helped to reduce the number of cancer deaths. (Cancer Research) Non -Profit Sector Non-profit mean one doesnt accept any type of profits only depends on non profit issues , charitable and governmental organisation. Non-profit sector thus includes religious congregations, universities, hospitals, environmental groups, art museums, youth recreation associations, civil rights groups, community development organisations, labour unions, political parties, social clubs and others (Boris and Steuerle, 1999). The non-profit sector exists to benefit society. Within the non-profit sector, there is a rich and dynamic diversity of cause and organisations. Without the many thousands of nonprofits, with their many millions of volunteers, society would lack valuable services, diversity, and civic participation. The non-profit sector is important because it provides services that would not be performed by the business sector. Many services needed by society do not generate a profit and are, therefore, unattractive to the business sector (Wymer et al, 2006). Non-profit organisations have started to adopt business-like techniques (Goerke, 2003) used in the for-profit sector as they are becoming increasingly confronted with market pressures typical of for-profit organisations, like competition for funding and the need to earn money to fulfill their mission (Andreasen and Kotler, 2003; Dolnicar et al., 2008). These techniques and approaches have been recognised as important to non-profits by the academic field (Gonzalez et al., 2002); one in particular is especially important the marketing concept which advocates and understanding of the customer (Day, 1994). Instead of accepting the marketing concept and beginning the marketing process with the customer and investigating what the market actually needs and wants (Gonzalez et al., 2002), non-profit organisations have an organisation-centered marketing mindset and may falsely believe that their product or service is needed by the market (Andreasen and Kotler, 2003). A number of other resear chers agree with this viewpoint in emphasizing the importance of market orientation for the non-profit sector (Macedo and Pinho, 2006). Aim Cancer Research UKs aim is to reduce the number of deaths from cancer. Around 300,000 people are diagnosed with cancer in the UK every year. Every two minutes someone is told they have the disease. And every year more than 150,000 people die from the disease. Cancer remains peoples greatest health fear. It is difficult to overstate the scale of the cancer problem and the impact it has on the lives of hundreds of thousands of people every year. (Cancer Research) Marketing strategy A strategy is a plan for the actions taken to attain one or more organisational goals. The task of strategy formation is one of achieving a match between the organisations internal skills, capabilities, and resources on the one hand and all of the relevant external considerations on the other hand (Thompson and Strickland, 1986, p. 74). An institutional goal for a business might be to increase its revenue at a moderate but steady rate or diversify its customer base. The compilation of an organisations institutional goals and the means to reach them forms a strategic plan. SWOT analysis is a frequently used tool to develop a strategic plan. The central focus of a SWOT analysis is to recognize opportunities and avoid threats while weighing an organisations strengths and weaknesses (Bryson, 1988). Although many non-profits may view marketing as a business activity, Kotler and Levy (1969) believe that marketing plays a very important role in the lives of non-profit organisations. They argued that all organisations undertake marketing whether they know it or not, therefore they must possess a satisfactory understanding of it. Furthermore, the non-profit sector has characteristics of marketplace problems (Kotler, 1979) where memberships decline, costs soar, and competition is fierce. Owing to these indicators, it was suggested that marketing had a great deal to offer the third sector in order to survive, grow, and strengthen their contributions to the general welfare (Kotler, 1979, p. 44). Complicating characteristics of non-profits organisational structure include non-financial objectives, multiple stakeholders (Bruce, 1995), a competitive-collaborative relationship with other organisations in the field, and the balance between financial pressures and the mission (Gallagher and Weinberg, 1991). These characteristics make it very difficult to ascertain success and may lead to their disregard of marketing. Such strategies include the identification of customers who are most interested in supporting their mission (market segmentation), ensuring an image is built that is attractive to those people (product positioning), the development of communication messages most attractive to these people (advertising) and communicating with them through channels these people regularly use (place). Consequently, the assumption underlying the present study is that despite the fact that non-profit organisations are distinctly different from for-profit organisations market orientation can significantly increase the effectiveness of non-profit organisations in achieving their mission (Lazarevski, 2009). In addition, Intellectual capital is capable of adapting to the challenges posed by the non-profit environment in the knowledge economy because some of the theoretical roots of IC come from the internal focus associated with core competence theory (Mouritsen et al. 2005). Intellectual capital helps to shift SSNPOs strategic focus to intellectual resources, including knowledge, skills and experience. This is important to SSNPOs, because strategic activities and changes that are brought to the organisations will be mainly driven by internal initiatives by paid employees and volunteers rather than external forces such as government agencies. Therefore, resistance to those strategic activities and changes by volunteers and employees is likely to be lowered (Kong, 2007). Cancer Research Organisations has an advantage for the society and should approach in all means to get funding and branding. Nonetheless, brand of any non-profit body is equally important considering the promotion and pla ce of the 4Ps. Non-Profit institutions can introduce marketing in a number of ways, such as appointing a marketing committee or task force, hiring an advertising agency or marketing research firm, hiring a marketing consultant, or appointing a marketing director or marketing vice president (Kotler, January 1979). In 2008/09 Cancer Research was funded by 433 Million Pounds where 80% of the money is spent on the cancer research. Cancer research UK uses various methods to raise funds making donation is the most common where people donate money to the charity in various ways like some donate on their special events like on their wedding anniversary or birthday and some donate funds to the charity in memory of their loved ones .Cancer Research charity earns its third of their total funding which help in fighting the deadly disease. Some people donate money in this ways so that they dont want to miss their continuity after their death and some donate in remembrance of the others. One can also join a local group which raise funds to the Cancer Research UK or he/she can create their own committee which helps in raising funds to the charity organisation. In order to collect funds through their shops, Cancer Research UK has set-up around 600 shops across the UK. By visiting one these shops and buying s omething from there donates the charity. If one is interested in raising funds for Cancer Research UK, they can do by participating any of the various events which were organised by the charity. Some of the events the Cancer Research UK carries out are like flagship, women-only Race for Life, Run 10K which is a popular event held by the charity and there are some other events like Relay For Life, Shine and a half or full walking marathon which is carried at nights through which one also participate and raise funds. People can join internship schemes provided by the Cancer Research UK as volunteers and help raise funds by working at cancer charity shops or they can also participate in events held by charity and help them. Cancer Research UK does get funds from Government as well but in smaller amounts which it spent on specific projects like it got two and half a million from Dept. of Health which it used for developing anti-tobacco campaigns.(Cancer Research) P.E.S.T ANALYSIS Political factor: Private donations make up the majority of Cancer Research financial resources, and by limiting the amount they receive from governmental sources, Cancer Research remains financially independent (Hannagan, 2001) however now cancer research is closely monitoring the policies that each party comes up with and comparing them to what they think cancer research has produced a handy guide to help parliamentary candidates as they campaign in their local areas. The guide, How to campaign with confidence about cancer, gives candidates an introduction to what cancer is and how they can find out more. Commit to Beat Cancer campaign which calls on the next government to make the UKs cancer outcomes among the best in Europe in the next ten years. The campaign also asks our supporters to contact their local prospective parliamentary candidates asking them to sign up to our Cancer Commitment. The commitment contains the same policy calls that appear in our manifesto. Thousands of o ur supporters have emailed their candidates. Already over 400 candidates across the country have signed up and weve sent them a wallet-sized commitment card so that they can show their support for the campaign. Economical Factors: Cancer Research relies on donations from the public for two key reasons: to ensure the freedom to provide humanitarian assistance whenever and wherever it is needed, and to remain independent from political, religious and economic interests. Regular donations give Cancer Research the freedom to provide medical aid to those who need it most and allow them to react swiftly to emergencies as soon as they occur .cancer research can be affected by changes in disposable income, although the effect may not be as immediately obvious. When the purchasing power is reduced cancer research may see a little change in their funding in the short term, but if the reduction in the spending power id reflection of a downturn in the national economy, its funding will be reduced in longer term (Hannagan, 2001). Social Factors: Non-profit marketing needs to take account of the basic believe in particular society. With in a society, there will be subcultures of people with shared values and these may influence the work of cancer research. Technological factors: The development of new products changes such as product which is used in treatment of different diseases, development of new equipments used for the recognition of new diseases may affect the cancer research operations because in marketing terms, institution will often want to emphasize their use of modern equipment and technologies, particularly in comparison to their competitors (Hannagan, 2001). SWOT ANALYSIS: STRENGTHS World Class Research with a strong team of researchers makes the awareness of cancer to public by preventing it in early stages. Unlike other viral diseases Cancer is a disease where the precautions cannot be taken care. That is one of the strongest strength where people will be interested to invest or fund in saving lives of many and down the next generation. Cancer Research UK is almost proved that the disease can be cured in the initial stages. (Annual Report, 2008/09) The interactive, informative website where all the fact sheets are revealed made one of the most trustable Cancer Research Organisations. This is one of the strongest strengths where people who donate money will feel glad. Though it is a purely non-governmental body, the amount spend on the research and development made Cancer Research UK 48rd position in Times Top 100 Graduate Employers List. The scenario of cancer being a most effective disease, people pays attention towards the research and development where each person doesnt need an explanation of what the funding exactly does. So, Cancer Research UK which is one of the first span entries in the market got a good response. Researchers dedicated to the work. Strong commitment by Cancer Research to the donors. More than 4,500 plus doctors, scientists and nurses are supported by Cancer Research UK. Cancer Research UK supports the grant funded researchers based in UK universities, hospitals and institutes. It is proven that high quality researchers are made by Cancer Research UK. It handles approximately 285,000 new cases of cancer every year. As many of the developed countries and developing countries are showing interest in cancer research and UK is one of the leading countries in doing cancer research. Thus, there are excellent chances of good connections across the globe. WEAKNESSES The funds collected by different means are always will be short of as the research itself is a lengthy process. Once it reaches the saturation of people funding then the problem of funding will be serious. OPPORTUNITIES With the help of Cancer Research UK, there are chances of getting new drugs into the market which are Cancer Preventive drugs. Cancer Research UK is one of the leading research institute or organisation in UK, thus it has world recognition and can have a global impact. Hence, the funds collection will be improved. Till now government has not funded to Cancer Research UK, so there are many chances where government can support and act as a backbone to the cancer research UK. Students, doctors, scientists and nurses will be interested to work in an organisation as Cancer Research UK. Hence, the funding can be reduced in the future to grow further. THREATS As the Cancer Research purely depends on the public funding the main threat is Funding. If funding is not sufficient for the research exercise then the process chain has to stop. The trained scientists and doctors of other countries may not work with Cancer Research UK for longer period where knowledge banks need to be refreshed rather than updated. PART B (NEXT THREE YEARS CANCER REASERCH STRATEGY) Although researchers appear to largely agree that the adoption of a market oriented perspective as well as marketing tools is important for Non profit Organisations (Andreasen and Kotler, 2003). It can be argued that market orientation is not a relevant concept for cancer research because its mission (product) is defined in advance and cannot be changed in dependence of market needs. However, there is a wide range of other marketing strategies and instruments available to Cancer Research that can be implemented without changing or denying their true mission. Such strategies include the identification of customers who are most interested in supporting their mission (market segmentation), ensuring an image is built that is attractive to those people (product positioning), the development of communication messages most attractive to these people (advertising) and communicating with them through channels these people regularly use (place). Market segmentation and target market The selection of target market segment is (together with the positioning decision) the foundation for most marketing programs. Yet there are few models for the selection of market segments. The segmentation decision is one of the major meeting grounds between marketing research and modelling, since models used for the selection of target segment require considerable information on the size of segments, their key characteristics, expected competitive activities, and expected market response of given segment to the offering of the firm and its competitors (Moorthy, 1984) The company will basically target the following market segments as donors (Kelly, 1998). High-income earners Hospice centers Collectors and bookworms House-movers Corporate entities, basically office employees rarely sales, marketing and mobile ones Fundraising strategy Increasingly, fundraising practitioner literature is focusing on the growing importance of relationship cultivation with all donors rather than devoting resources to marketing the organisation to donor publics. Rather than simply focusing the cultivation of major gift donors, practitioners have recognized that the same principles can be applied to all donors (Waters, 2008). By dedicating more time to donor relations, Worth (2002) says that these principles can result in increased donor loyalty to the organization. Kelly (2000) maintains that stewardship is the second most important step in the fundraising process. She advocates that fundraising practitioners must incorporate four elements of stewardship. Cancer Research official fundraising plan should be: reciprocity, which allows the Cancer Research to demonstrate its gratitude for the gift; responsibility, which means that the Cancer Research uses the gift in a socially responsible manner; reporting, which includes the basic principles of demonstrating accountability; and relationship nurturing, which includes regular communication and cultivation activities. These principles will help the Cancer Research and fundraisers maintain ethical standards as well as ensure continued fundraising success. In setting out the basic principles of the fundraising process, Rosso (1993) makes it clear that if Cancer Research wants to ensure its longevity then it should be prepared to dedicate time to developing relationships with its donors. Nudd (1993) in sisted that organisations that conduct research on donors are in the best situation to cultivate relationships because of their understanding of their donors. Wagner (2002) ideas suggest that Cancer Research should search for new donors or work with their current donor databases to evolve their donors. Nudd (1993) suggests that Cancer Research if it ensures its longevity must be ready and prepared to do both. She acknowledges that organisation must constantly be on the lookout for new individuals who are interested in the cause or the Cancer Research and try to bring them on board as a donor. However, she maintains that organisations hould put more focus on donors who already have an established relationship with the organisation because past donor performance is the greatest indicator of future giving (Waters, 2008). Just as the public relations literature is beginning to discuss the different relationship maintenance strategies, fundraising literature is also rich with varying strategies on how the Cancer Research donor relationship can be enhanced through cultivation. Although practitioner literature gives advice on securing face-to-face business meetings with major gift donors over lunch and in private settings (Sargeant and Jay, 2004), others are beginning to realise that relationship maintenance strategies can benefit donors at all levels, not just the elite donor. Kellys (2000) basic formula for stewardship involves thanking the donor and then continued correspondence where the Cancer Research shows that it has used the donation wisely and responsibly. Cancer Research is encouraged to add donors to its regular mailing list to either provide them with newsletters and annual reports (Neal, 2001), additional fundraising solicitations for future campaigns (Rosso, 1993). Online fundraising Online fundraising is growing rapidly in importance. Cancer Reaserch needs to send individual email messages, encouraging them to click on link that will take them to the Cancer Reaserch websites, where a donation can easily be made with a credit or debit card. Cancer Reaserch should also include organisations websites address in their direct mail materials because some supporters may find donating online more convenient than returning the direct mail response card. Traditional direct mail is also appropriate for the internet direct mail. Because the internet is a different medium, the development of creative materials will be different. Most e-mail applications allow for multimedia text and visual elements. This combination creates opportunities for much greater creativity in fund raising offers. Furthermore, because links cane be embedded in to the massage, much more information can be made available to receivers who desire it. There are several reason online fundraising is growing . The proportion of the population that has an internet connection continues to grow. The proportion of the interne-connected population that has a high speed internet connection also continues to grow (Wymer et al, 2006). Cancer Research relationship marketing strategy Relationship marketing aims to construct deeper relationships with beneficiaries than those likely to emerge from ad hoc contacts. Unlike most relationships in marketing, these relationships need not be long term, as charities invariably want their beneficiaries to recover from whatever ailment is afflicting them. (Gronroos, 1990) recognised explicitly that while relationship marketing attempted to establish and develop relationships, it did not necessarily involve long-term relationships.) Long-term connections between a beneficiary and a Cancer Research could in fact emerge, e.g. through a beneficiary becoming a donor to; supporter or ambassador of; or volunteer worker for the Cancer Research campaign concerned, but this is not essential in order to justify the application of a relationship marketing approach. It is vital nevertheless that the organisation look at transactions with beneficiaries beyond their ad hoc use of the charitys services (Conway, 1997), Cancer Research needs to keep in touch with beneficiaries to see how they are getting on (Bruce, 1994); communicate on a two-way basis, and actively seek feedback. Furthermore, practical measures whereby charities can encourage actual or potential beneficiaries to want to have an ongoing relationship with an Cancer Research include relationship advertising (Stern, 1997) whereby the Cancer Research needs to provide information on customised services and seeks to convince potential beneficiaries that they will be well-cared for (Hochschild, 1983) . Relationship advertising, according to Stern (1997), stimulates thoughts, feelings and actions relevant to relationships and to what a relationship with Cancer Research will involve. Further relationship-building devices include two-way communications (involving freepost mail responses, toll-free telephone numbers, e-mail helplines, etc.), database marketing (with personalised, targeted communications Berry, 1995), the provision of incentives to interact with the health campaign, subscriptions to Cancer Research activities, and personal information on developments within the Cancer Research and its pl anned activities. Personal information on Cancer Research activities will extend to news about its employees, profiles of well-known celebrities who support the charity, and insider information about intended future programmes (Bennet, 2005). Global Move Cancer Research can widen its role by going international joining hands with international cancer organisation like world cancer congress and other medical organisation as donor community also impart obligations for constructive engagement with multilateral agencies on broader humanitarian issues. This dialogue complements its more focused geographic interests by demonstrating its commitment to alleviating suffering and addressing complex global issues. Cancer research should increase the level of engagement with selected humanitarian agencies in order to better reflect cancer research interests. Future campaigns and strategies Cancer research will continues to work both on improving access to existing treatments and stimulating the development of newer and better medical tools that take into account the needs of people in poor countries. Cancer research will push for continued improvements in medical practice. Cancer research also continue to support efforts to reshape the way medical Research and Development is funded so that medical innovation serves those most in need and is not only market-driven as at present. CONCLUSION Strategic planning for Cancer Research is important and probably will become part of the standard repertoire of public and non-profit planners. It is important, of course, for planners to be very careful about how they engage in strategic planning, since every situation is at least somewhat different and since planning can be effective only if it is tailored to the specific situation in which it is used. Cancer Research UK should more often try to collaborate with other charities, pharmaceuticals and professional bodies in order to eradicate the cause as soon as possible Knowledge is critical to for Cancer research, as a result of the public sector reform movement, NPOs are forced to change the way they manage and operate their activities. Cancer research needs to use its organizational resources more effectively in the competitive non-profit environment (Waters, 2008).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Eat Right 4 Your Type by Dr. Peter J. DAdamo :: Health Diet Essays

Eat Right 4 Your Type by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo Eat Right 4 Your Type, by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, was one of many diet books that hit the bookstores in 1996. This diet program uses the four blood types as a premise for what foods one should eat, what type of exercise one should do, and to what diseases one is susceptible. After careful review of the scientific literature, I was unable to find any studies that evaluated the validity of the book’s claims. There are numerous scientific studies that examine the roles of certain foods on health and diet, and there are plenty of studies that focus on the correlation between blood type and disease. However, there seem to be no studies devoted to the entire D’Adamo program itself. Dr. Peter D’Adamo and his father, Dr. James D’Adamo, worked in the field of blood type analysis. His father noticed that many patients from European Spas who were on strict vegetarian diets or low-fat diets did not lose weight. Some patients actually worsened. Dr. James D’Adamo eventually suspected that blood type might be the cause. Since blood is the fundamental source of nourishment to the body, perhaps some aspect of the blood could help identify the differing results. The study was successful in that blood type was correlated with the patients’ successes or failures on specific diets. Type A did poorly on high-protein diets, but did very well on vegetable proteins such as tofu and soy. Type A benefited from lighter forms of exercise, such as yoga. On the other hand, Type O did well on high-protein diets and benefited from intense physical activity. This led Dr. Peter D’Adamo to expand upon his father’s findings. The result was Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer, and Achieving Your Ideal Weight (D’Adamo XIV). Eat Right 4 Your Type begins by explaining why blood type is important to a person’s diet. The human body has unique chemical markers called antigens that can identify foreign substances that enter the body. One of the most powerful antigens in the body is the one that determines blood type. The different blood type antigens are so sensitive that they are the immune system’s best defense. A person’s blood type is named for the blood type antigen that he/she possesses on the red blood cells (D’Adamo 18).